Nehru Family Philatelic Exhibition-1989
To celebrate Nehru Centenary, a philatelic exhibition on the theme of Nehru Family was held from 14 November, 1989 to 16 November, 1989 at Municipal Art Gallery, Badamdi Baug, Dandia Bazar, Baroda.
Cover Design: Jawaharlal Nehru in Cricket Uniform
Cancellation Design: Anand Bhavan, Allahabad with Portraits of Motilal Nehru & Jawaharlal Nehru
Cover Design: Jawaharlal Nehru with Tiger Cub
Cancellation Design: Swaraj Bhavan, Allahabad with Portraits of Jawaharlal Nehru, Kamla Nehru & Indira Gandhi
Cover Design:
Jawaharlal Nehru with Indira Gandhi, Sanjay Gandhi & Rajiv Gandhi
Cancellation Design:
Map of Gujarat with Portraits of Feroz Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, Sanjay Gandhi & Rajiv Gandhi